The 25th Anniversary Lampang Cancer Hospital

The International Association for Cancer Registries (IACR) wishes to extend its congratulations to the Lampang Cancer Hospital (LPCH) of Thailand on their 25th Anniversary celebration.
The LPCH has played an important role over the course of its development as one of the seven regional cancer hospitals in Thailand. Located in the Lampang Province, Thailand, it provides not only critical cancer services but is also responsible for maintaining a population-based cancer registry that covers the residents of upper northern Thailand.
In 1993, the LPCH established a hospital-based cancer registry, and in 1995, it developed a population-based cancer registry. The Lampang Cancer Registry has been a voting member of the IACR since May 2002.
The data from the Lampang Cancer Registry is recognized for its quality according to World Health Organization standards and has been reported in the International Agency for Research (IARC) on Cancer joint publication with IACR, "Cancer Incidence in Five Continents", since Volume VIII. Additionally, data have been published in other international studies, such as volumes of the IARC publications "International Incidence of Childhood Cancer (IICC)" and "SurvCan – Cancer Survival Statistics in Africa, Central and South America, and Asia”, providing information on cancer incidence, mortality, survival rates, and cancer trends.
Locally, cancer information from the Lampang Cancer Registry has been valuable in the planning of cancer prevention and control strategies in upper northern Thailand and has helped to establish a collaborative network among hospitals, universities, and research institutes in Thailand that facilitates the use of the data for epidemiological studies on cancer.