Introduction to the GICR e-learning Series
As part of the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development programme (GICR), led by the International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC), the GICR e-Learning (eGICR) Series aims to create a new legacy of learners by offering free, self-paced education and training in cancer surveillance.

Prior experience in cancer registry operations is not required to take this e-learning series.
The GICR e-learning Series is aimed at anyone who is considering starting or has started a cancer registry career, from those who are newly hired to staff members wishing to refresh their knowledge – registrars, analysts, data managers, and directors.
The Series gives users guidance on all aspects of cancer registry practices – an introduction to cancer surveillance, registry operations, data analysis and dissemination for cancer control impact.
Each module is aligned with the international standards of cancer registration that are recommended by the International Association of Cancer Registries, (the IACR), and training materials developed by the GICR.
Initially, the modules are offered in English, French and Spanish.
With time, it is expected that additional languages may be added.
A certificate of acknowledgement for the successful completion of a module will be provided under the auspices of the GICR, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the specialized cancer agency of the World Health Organization, and the International Association of Cancer Registries (IACR).
A credential as a Global Certified Cancer Registrar will be issued for the completion of the full 16 modules and for achieving a passing grade on the final quiz within a 12-month period .
While many organizations and individuals were involved in making the GICR e-learning Series, the contributions of the African Cancer Registry Network, the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative, IACR, IARC / GICR and Vital Strategies are especially acknowledged for making this possible.