The E-NNOVATE Project: Electronic innovations in cancer registration

Together with its partners, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) is pleased to introduce E-NNOVATE: Electronic innovations in cancer registration. Through the framework of the Global Initiative on Cancer Registry Development (GICR), E-NNOVATE is an ongoing collaborative project to develop a DHIS2-CanReg application The project, which links a cancer registry to electronic medical health records (EMHRs), will improve the way cancer data is captured, its value and useability.
The DHIS2 cancer module can be easily adopted by any country and can provide synergies with other disease surveillance systems. This application will be free, and open-sourced. In addition, a network of experts are being trained to support new users following its global release, scheduled for December 2023.
Coordinated by IARC-GICR, work on E-NNovate is divided among the partner organizations, supported by Vital Strategies, under the Bloomberg Philanthropies Data for Health Initiative. The partners include the Rwanda Ministry of Health, the Rwanda Biomedical Centre, the African Cancer Registry Network/IARC Sub Saharan Hub for Cancer Registration, the University of Oslo, and the Caribbean Public Health Agency/IARC Caribbean Hub for Cancer Registration, and the OECS.